If you love car stickers, then you definitely will go head-over-heels for the scrolling LED license plate flash frames. Why? It is the newest craze in town!
Car stickers let you express yourself with funny and witty phrases and graphics. But you first lose sleep over what mood or personality to carry around for the next few months. Of course, wrapping your car in stickers is another option.
Scrolling LED license plate flash frames just bring this express-yourself-to-the-world genre to the next level. Now you do not only express yourself, you can actually communicate with everyone on the road! It is just the coolest must-have gadget for your car.
Scrolling LED license plate flash frames give you the freedom to create your own messages containing as much as 120 characters. You can store as many as five messages and choose its scroll speed. Your scrolling LED license plate flash frame also comes with its own wireless remote control for that instant one-liner to the cutie behind.
With the scrolling LED license plate flash frames, your wit is the limit.