Air Ducts
Car Air Ducts

Air Ducts

Air ducts make any car look real cool when you put it on each side of your car. Usually found at the rear, near the right rear wells. They were first adapted for racing coupes. The concept is to make a stylish but aerodynamic design on the side that allows air to flow out from the vehicle.

Car Air Ducts

Aerodynamics of the vehicle requires that the wind should flow smoothly through the vehicle, speeding it up not slowing it down. With the sleek body design of most sports cars, an air duct further reduces the wind ability to affect performance by providing a vent for air to go through.

Air ducts can come separate or with customized body kit assemblies. They usually are paired with predator hood which have the same concept as air ducts except the holes are stylishly engineered on the hood of the cars. Air ducts will improve your car’s speed and make fuel consumption less. The holes on the air ducts are usually large enough to prevent obstruction from objects coming from the vehicle’s travel environment.