If you either love to drive a lot or drive everyday in order to commute back and forth to work, you probably already know how easy it is to get a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets are an unfortunate occurrence and if you have a car that offers plenty of performance, it is extremely easy to find yourself well over the speed limit without realizing it. Here are some tips to reduce speeding tickets.
Install a Radar Detector
This is the first line of defense as it will alert you when there is a possible speed trap in the area. Radar detectors are an excellent way to remind you to stay below the speed limit and can help you avoid a speeding ticket in your daily commute.
PBA (Police Benevolent Association) Card
A PBA card really is a get out of speeding ticket card. Usually if you know a cop or send a charitable contribution to this organization, you can usually receive either a PBA card or sticker to place on your vehicle. Many cops accept a PBA card for a minor infraction and won’t give you a speeding ticket.
Know the Streets You Drive On
Never speed on streets you drive on, however if you are a lead foot and always find yourself going 5 to 10 mph over the limit, watch where you drive everyday. You will get a sense of where all the speed traps are, what the many police vehicles look like from a distance and where cops are most likely to hide.
Pay Attention to Other Driver’s Body Language
Watch how the traffic flows, if you are on the highway and traffic is moving and suddenly slows down up ahead, it could possible be a speed trap. The same is true when cars coming the opposite direction flash their lights – usually giving a sign that a speed trap is up ahead.