For those that are into speed, its always good to have a high quality radar detector riding shotgun to keep you on your toes just in case you exceed the speed limit. While it’s very easy to find yourself a few miles over the speed limit in many finely tune vehicles, a high quality radar detector like the Escort Passport 9500i can give you immediate assistance if there is a speed trap waiting in the vicinity to pick you off.
The Escort Passport 9500i: Finely Tuned and Includes GPS Capabilities
Today’s radar detectors are much better than just a few years ago, with quality electronics that can pick up faint signals and detect whether a signal is the real deal ( a speed trap) or false alert. One way to do so is to combine the functionality of GPS and a radar detector. For those that drive a similar route frequently, the GPS function on the 9500i records false positives that it encounters routinely so that you can virtually be sure it is not a speed trap.
The Escort Passport 9500i is Full of Features
All the standard bells and whistles are included in this model including long range protection on X, K, Ka, POP and even the new Ku-band radar for European travel (if you are an international driver). The Truelock feature uses GPS to remember false alerts tied to location and blocks them out focusing on true speed traps. This radar detector even features variable sensitivity based on the speed of your vehicle. While the price is a little steeper than many radar detectors (around $400 – $450 mark), it is a heck of a lot cheaper than being caught once for speeding (adding in surcharges, court fees, etc.)
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