The new generation of Toyota Prius hybrid came with a cooler, a bit more sporty design than the old model, and for that reason tuners from around the world showed interest into it. The old gen was so boxy and boring that it was litrally impossible to improve its design!
This kit you see here is a job by Japanese best known tuner, Wald International. Most of heir works on high-end European cars have been great, but their kits for Japanese cars, well, let’s say they are not just as good! And so is this ostentatious kit for the Prius.
Apart from that front-end design which makes it look like a spaceship or something, it is also pointless, because people who buy Prius do not like these things, and people who do, don’t like the Prius!
Another funny thing about it, is the number of vents and grilles! It’s a hybrid for crying out loud, what are they trying to cool down?!