Don’t you just hate running into your car and find it oven-hot? My, you could even pop cheesy popcorn on the dashboard!
Shaded parking spaces are very hard to find, more so for the free shaded parking space. So, almost always, you end up parking the car under the searing heat of the sun. You run off to the air-conditioned building nearby and forget about the heat outside. You only remember how hot the day had been when you return to the car that has turned into a thousand-dollar furnace. Then you wish your car could wear sunblock too!
Well, cars actually do benefit from an invention called sunblock in the form of heatshields. Heatshields, as the name implies, shields your car from the heat outside and keeps your car at room temperature. Heatshields are made of flexible heat-deflecting material that is easy to store and carry around. When needed, you simply take it out and roll over your car’s windshields and windows. Now, you don’t have to drive around looking for that perfectly cool parking spot.