Car stickers to make the vehicle look nicer have been around since transparent plastic was able to be made into good sticker quality materials. You don’t want a sticker that will eventually crumple up and look nasty – and also you want to be careful when you are applying your car stickers. Air bubbles leave bumps, and leaving bumps is very bad. That will lead to folds and otherwise an unprofessional sticker job done to your car. When you are selecting a sticker make sure you know it will look nice and make sure the sticker comes from a reputable manufacturer of sticker, secondly make sure you know the dimensions of the sticker and where you are going to place it. After you have this down it is a good idea to make sure you have the tools you need, although some people swear by just a small slab of cardboard 0- I recommend a rubber scraper to use as you apply the sticker.
When you have the sticker you want and you know what you are going to do -STOP – before you put it on. Clean the area you are going to place it on and please let it dry fully – and have someone else there who is competent to hel you apply the car stickers you have. It would be awful if Jim-bob from down the street messed your expensive stickers up -= leaving you to have to try and remove them somehow. When you are applying it do so carefully and make sure it all lines up. As the sticker is applied use even pressure from the rubber scraper to push all the air out, that way you don’t have to worry about the trouble with the bubble. Car stickers are for the most part an enhancement – unless you decide to overlap a bunch of them and make the car stickers look like the stickers on your high school binder. So, when you have the car stickers you want to apply ready, remember these steps and remember it should make your car enhanced, and the women who look at it entranced. Car stickers are the cheapest way to modify the exterior of your car – so make sure you do it right.