Audi A6 3.2L Avant Quattro with Tiptronic

2007 Audi A6 3.2L Avant Quattro wTiptronic is a modernized version of station wagon. It is far from doggy and uncomfortable wagons in the past centuries. The sleek and elegant model will forever change the people’s concept of wagons. The cost efficient car has an excellent gas mileage. It averages around 19mpg in a little congested area and 26mpg on the highways and roads. Engine capacity of the model is 3.2L V6 and provides great speed. The experience of driving 2007 Audi A6 3.2L Avant Quattro wTiptronic is unprecedented and exceptional. Quattro driving mechanics and six-speed Tiptronic automatic transmission enhances the handling and driving of this car. The other outstanding features of the model are weather controls, entertainment provision and navigation system. The interiors of the car are comfortable and offer luxurious seating. There is no other model that offers its drivers comfort, luxury and efficiency and that to at a decent price.

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