Mazda is a Japanese automobile manufacturer and was founded in 1920 by Jujiro Matsuda. Last year an estimate was made of how many vehicle they would produce next year, and the number is a stunning 1.25 million, with sales in countries from Japan, to Australia, to North America, to Europe and finally Latin America. In the beginning it was actually named Toyo Cork Koygo, and then later Toyo Kogyo co, and finally it became Mazda in 1984, despite having the Mazda name on every single car, truck, and other vehicle from the beginning.
After the 20’s and 30’s saw increases in sales the second world war derailed much of Mazda’s machinery and development, however Ford had invested a 15% stake in the company. The company did not build a four wheel car until 1960, and that car was the R360. Its sales remained very strong since its beginning with a 16 horsepower car to a sports car in just a decade.
The 70’s brought Mazda into much more fiscal success with it being a performance leader in the tough automotive industry at the time, and since it used the Wankel engine it was able to outperform the piston based engines, making it extremely efficient. With that they slapped the Wankel in everything the made, or just about, but it also saw a fiscal crisis occur as Ford took a larger stake from 15 to 25% share to bolster it. As Ford now controlled more they began to use re-branded Mazda vehicles in the 80’s and thus brought out the maker from a niche to a world wide player.
Their cars began to sell in their own right and by the mid eighties Mazda saw more sales and manufacturing than ever before. They finished off the decade with an amazing care called the Eunos, or Mazda MX-5 sports car, with it being a light alternative that was fast and powerful when compared to other heavier cars in its class. Later though, the 90s came around and fiscal decline had begun to take its toll – along with a poor business plan to change up the brand names. Bankruptcy loomed, and Ford further increased its share past 30%. However, recently they made a turn around and have been able to reclaim market share, with rising sales and a constant beefing of their inventory with better designs the future of Mazda is no longer a questionable matter, bar some kind of catastrophic failure at the business level.
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