Cut the Cost of Maintenance on Your Vehicle

If you own a car, you probably already know just how expensive it can be to keep it maintained properly and on the road.  Many drivers just don’t realize how expensive owning a car can be until they finally start driving their vehicle under normal conditions.  Since maintenance can be a big chunk of the amount it costs to drive a vehicle each year, following these tips can usually save you a few hundred bucks or more over the life of your vehicle.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
As with practically any large item that you own, it is never good to be penny wise, pound foolish.  Of course you can easily cut corners and save a little money here and there, but ultimately it usually comes back to haunt you.  This is why it is always better to follow your owner’s manual instructions on specific maintenance that you should do at every mileage or time interval.

Oil Changes, Transmission Fluid Changes
Obviously, oil changes are necessary, however, follow your owner’s manual, because you don’t necessarily need to change your oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles.  In fact, many of today’s new cars require an oil change only every 5 months or about 5,000 miles.  Again, with transmission fluid changes, you don’t necessarily need to change the transmission fluid every 25K, many of today’s vehicle usually have a schedule of at least 50K and some go up to 100K when you first need to change your transmission’s fluid.

Premium Fuel
Here’s a big cost saver.  Premium Fuel.  While the gas stations push premium fuel for your vehicle, the truth of the matter is that the regular grade is usually good enough for the vast majority of vehicles.  So if you want to save literally hundreds of bucks over the lifetime of your vehicle, follow these tips.